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Mastering Your Identity: A Simple 3 Step Guide to Lasting Change.

Do you feel like you're constantly searching for the "quick fix" to change your life for the better? Are you tired of feeling like your goals are always just out of reach? It's time to stop looking for shortcuts and start focusing on the one thing that truly matters: your identity.

In this guide, we'll show you how to make lasting changes by adopting the right mindset and clearing out the mental clutter that's been holding you back. Get ready to transform your life from the inside out.

One of the main things that cause unnecessary suffering and time delay for people is seeking shortcuts and hacks for a specific outcome. But these shortcuts can end up confusing and delaying the goal. Instead, focus on creating the identity that will inspire the behaviors you need..

As Tony Robbins said, "The strongest force in the human personality is the need to stay consistent with how we define ourselves."

Let's get started with the steps:

Step 1: Clarify Who You Don't Want to Be

  • The first step is to understand the identity you've adopted has caused the circumstances you have now.

  • No matter where you picked that identity up from, it is the thoughts, words, and actions you choose that keep you there. Being responsible is what gives you the power back.

Step 2: Bring Clarity to the Being You Want to Be

  • In step 2, you are going to:

    • Conjure up the thoughts, words, and actions of this new existence every moment of the day.

    • When you notice the old patterns come in, immediately replace them with the patterns of the identity you have conjured up.

    • If you don't know how they would think, speak, or act in that instance, think about the person you believe would handle it with the most GRACE and POWER, and do that.

  • Have fun and be relentless. You can use Neuro-imagery Mapping to take this process deeper. (keep an eye out for the link coming soon)

Step 3: Stop the Debate and Take Action

  • Step 3 is going to remove unnecessary suffering that is caused by second-guessing what you want.

  • This causes a huge waste of energy because your mind constantly flip-flops.

  • The main mistake most people make in this step is conjuring up how hard the challenge in front of them is, which, in reality, would be easier to just take action on. Instead, time and energy get wasted in the debate.

This is how:

  • Stop the debate. Get moving before the voice of comfort hijacks your vision.

  • Every day, multiple times a day in your own voice, say "I am that" and think of the healthy, vibrant, purposeful, and capable person you are.

  • Then do a (RAV) Random Acts of Vitality to stamp that identity with Proof Of Action (POA).

Alex Hormozi said, "You don't build confidence by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but by having an undeniable stack of proof that you are who you say you are."

Take action. Every day, do the exercise, think the thoughts, and speak the words of this new identity until you have an undeniable stack of proof that you are who you say you are in your mind and your body.

If you know you need an identity shift and are ready to live the Vitality Lifestyle with an Optimized Nervous System, I have helped many like you make permanent lifestyle shifts. Message me today for a free consultation call to see if my program is a good fit for you.

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